2025 Sponsors
Become a Sponsor
Spindles is accepting inquiries to sponsor the club for the upcoming 2025 season. Please fill out the form below and we will contact you with more information!
Why Sponsor?
Spindles United is a unique Grassroots Club that prioritizes Community.
100% of sponsorship funds raised for the club goes toward making each season a reality.
This includes the ways we give back to the community.
Whether we are holding a free event like the Grassroots Cup, or coaching Cohoes Soccer Tots.
Sponsorships also play a crucial role in the development of our rostered players.
By ensuring each player has the tools they need to succeed, Spindles as a collective can grow.
Eager to Partner
Working with local businesses is one of the many rewards of running Spindles United FC.
Collaborations, sponsor events, etc.
We want to work with you! Lets make it happen.