Building the Perfect Squad for an Amateur Football Club
As we quickly approach the club’s second year, one of my main focuses is crafting our 2023 roster. The purpose of this piece is to give you further insight into this process.
On the field, we didn't have the most successful debut campaign.
This called for months of work to make sure year 2 is a success. For further explanation, here is a look back at what has unfolded in the last 6 months.
July 2022
On July 14 our inaugural season came to an end after losing 3-1 to the Highlanders in round 1 of the CDSL playoffs.
At the end of the game, I looked at our players and our supporters and took in the moment. I couldn't help but feel that I could have done more.
Yet I was still so proud of the project my partners and I took on. It felt like the beginning of something special.
Within just a few weeks after our defeat, Jad, Jarron, and I got back to work. Starting a football club at any level is no easy task. And having a 3 month season leaves a giant gap in the year until you're playing footy again. But the offseason is crucial to the success of the actual season.
In July, we started the process of scouting for the next season. Over a couple of months, we saw more than 60 players show interest through our online interest form and messaging.
Being a local collegiate player myself, recruiting came naturally. Creating all these new player connections, we looked to host an event to get these guys together to play ball before the fall semester.
August 2022 - First Look Event
On August 14, we hosted our First Look Scrimmage at Lansing Park. Our unofficial home field. A pitch I've played on since I was 6.
Unfortunately, our Football Development Coordinator, Jad, was unable to be there. Nonetheless, we had the stage set for some summer footy under the lights, the whole 9. Jarron and I spent the hours before as the groundsmen. Was the field perfect? Not at all.
Key takeaways:
Played 9v9, but could have done 8v8, allowing for more of a better rotation of guys, will look to evaluate the differences
A decent outing, roughly 35 guys came in total
Got a good glimpse of a couple of cornerstones for the next year
The players who came do seem to play modern, attacking football
here were really no negatives. The only issue was that after years of Lansing Park football under the lights, this was the one night that only 1 of the light poles worked. However, we managed and had a great group of guys.
Throughout the event I kept a few things in mind:
Ability; Touch, pace, composure, etc.
Communication: Speaks for itself
Passion; personalities and willingness to get along with everyone
All football clubs, including Spindles, want the highest level of talent that is possible. However, we are also looking for players with the passion to be a part of a club, not just a summer league team.
We are creating a football club from nothing. That is a task that requires the efforts of everyone involved. Which is why we have to balance talent and personalities.
We do believe the club can reach the semi-professional leagues soon. We wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t believe in our goals.
Winter 2022-23
The fall semester was months of busy and logistical work to prepare for the season. The rebrand, infrastructure, and other future events.
We were also occupied by other obligations. I had my sophomore season at Sage, Jad was starting school at UAlbany and Jarron concluded his collegiate career at ESF.
During this winter, I made a big personal decision to no longer take on a player role. Instead, I will focus on the managerial position for the team. Something we lacked last season.
As a goalkeeper, you may never touch the ball in a game until it is time to make one big save to save your team. This is something I have always loved about being a keeper.
However this year I feel I can best impact the team on the sidelines.
Standing in that goal all game long, I've always noticed the game being so open. So inviting to analyze, craft and interpret. Besides, why not try to recruit a better player than myself?
As an aspiring coach, I do my research. Unfortunately, there are not too many “how to build an amateur football club roster for dummies” books out there.
However, I have been fortunate enough to be able to connect with my current and former coaches from all levels.
Posing the question “how do you do it?” Particularly from my college coaches, I wanted to know how they build and manage these squads of 30-40 players.
Some of my key takeaways:
Decide what you want as a club
How do you want your players to play, choose the guys based on your values and abilities
Select the players who fit into your preferred system/style
You cannot always get the players you need or want so you must adapt
Keep things fun and remember why your club is here, the purpose
Discipline, when needed,/ but don't have a power trip
With that being said, Jad and I got to work and started drafting different visions. With the talent of some of our players and the physicality of the CDSL, there is a lot to consider when creating a successful system. How to attack, defend, possess, counter, etc.
After months of planning and voices of interest from more than 60 players, I am very excited to start moving our ideas from paper to the field.
Spindles United is a club for the community. So as we finalize our 2023 roster, we will not only be looking for talent on the field but also characters with the same values for the community.
2023 Spring Tryouts Spindles United is hosting a tryout on Sunday, March 12 at Albany College Of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Turf Field. $10 per player | Shin guards required
12:45 PM – Arrival/check-in
1:00 PM – Group warm-up1:20 PM – Several 9v9 or smaller games
2:20 PM – 11v11 with rotating players/positions3:00 PM – Wrap up