Joining the Lil' Spins at the Cohoes Youth Sports Camp

On Thursday, July 11, the morning of our regular season finale, the Spins were invited to help at the Cohoes Youth Sports Camp for Soccer Week for a 3rd straight year.

An annual sports camp that has been running in the City of Cohoes for decades, some of the current Spindles players actually participated in when they were younger.

To close out Soccer Week, the Spins ran drills, fitness, games, and plenty of fun for the kids that came out.

A special congrats to Team Canada in our game of World Cup for winning the Spindles Scarves.

As well as Remy for being named Camper of the Week, and earning a Spindles t-shirt!

A fun event that we always look forward to particapting in, and we look forward to working with alot of the kids involved this Fall at Cohoes Rec Soccer.


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